Participants of the Open #7 Qualifier

Here is the list of top 100 Pro Ladder players who qualified for the upcoming GWENT Open #7 Qualifier – congratulations!

We will contact all participants by e-mail (with the exception of top 6 players who already secured their spots in the tournament and are not eligible to take part in the Qualifier). In case you don't receive an e-mail by Friday, please contact us at

Top 100 Pro Ladder players on August 31st, 12 PM (noon) CEST:
  1. Adzikov
  2. TailBot
  3. kams134
  4. kacper322
  5. Freddybabes
  6. GameKingAT
  7. Cmel
  8. Synrise.
  9. magpie131
  10. 星条旗的小丑
  11. Green-Knight
  12. BeardyBog
  13. McP0yle
  14. TheBastinator
  15. GraveshGravesh
  16. raikou24
  17. kolemoen
  18. Santtu2x
  19. konsiu95
  20. Molegion
  21. Saber97
  22. Aethr3n
  23. DSImmortal
  24. Fanderman
  25. JaimeOneHand
  26. proNEO3001
  27. Nujwk
  28. SadFury
  29. OMSolenTo
  30. HannuQ
  31. radu.andrada
  32. shinmiri2
  33. Gvuardya
  34. zeGoblin
  35. Lolikkk
  36. Tin_Miraqle
  37. aifbowman
  38. LpHanachan
  39. Superkap
  40. S7isobey
  41. ValeraVolodya
  42. Munfury
  43. jessica7-7_7
  44. RyazanovSenpai
  45. alessio1996
  46. Zeibinator
  47. JTSmash95
  48. Wlastelin
  49. 苏墨
  50. -4eu3
  51. FreeFrogmore
  52. 龙雨潇潇
  53. House_of_cards
  54. Huanshi7702
  55. Rikazo
  56. Chezzy93
  57. Qbk_
  58. bart933
  60. EugeneKrabc
  61. xYazz
  62. xxSKxx
  63. Netherworld
  64. zimek_O
  65. Soulstices
  66. JerzyLets
  67. Argeiphontes
  68. jointime
  69. z3l3g
  70. MrMax71
  71. HectorV_
  72. Tarsius
  73. theresaidwhere
  74. pzY_oO
  75. Darnak16
  76. Timagwent
  77. RunningJoke
  78. InfernZ
  79. bucash
  80. Gnomberserk
  81. iYandex
  82. iamsceptic
  83. _DeadWing_
  84. At_Ra
  85. KIepna
  86. blood_for_cream
  87. insangpha
  88. MrSweetPiggy
  89. mmatip
  90. 守护灵辰
  91. JMJWilson23
  92. Aggedon
  93. Czaro__
  94. Bendtner92
  95. SonOfFlameHS
  96. 罪恶之城
  97. Gorflow
  98. Kara_Lisa
  99. __SnAAp__
  100. Afel10



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