April Challenger Qualifiers #1

April Challenger Qualifiers #1 are coming this weekend - check out the official rules and the list of qualified players!

Top 200 Pro Ladder players on 21 February 2018, 11:59 CET:
  1. TailBot
  2. Huyahanachan
  3. kolemoen
  4. MaggoGx
  5. Damorquis
  6. lbdutchboy
  7. kev-
  8. Octopuses
  9. GlutenSnake
  10. Gwent2town
  11. raikou24
  12. GameKingAT
  13. Fanderman
  14. proNEO3001
  15. Mangolicious88
  16. 胡小鸡
  17. I_aPOROgise
  18. At_Ra
  19. alessio1996
  20. vishra
  21. xYazz
  22. Synrise.
  23. Zeibinator
  24. kacper322
  25. McP0yle
  26. Mr.RovaN
  27. Jim-Moriaty
  28. theshaggynuts
  29. Molegion
  30. Leerxyz
  31. Cmel
  32. 龙雨潇潇
  33. TheLotheru
  34. 朝神
  35. OM幻世
  36. 红夜.46928
  37. Nethien
  38. namidanoondo
  39. ecureuil01
  40. S1M9L3
  41. Kochua
  42. 干拉总指挥
  43. jessejames145
  44. 苏墨
  45. predators11
  46. 迷样的剑心
  47. HectorV_
  48. straca3
  49. Kaeptain
  50. SexyMagicGoose
  51. ValeraVolodya
  52. Crystalslime5747
  53. SadFury
  54. 红魔
  55. as the moon,so beautiful
  56. slothland
  57. TBaggs
  58. 安安丶
  59. otto8888
  60. MathiasEE
  61. HannuQ
  62. readlikebook
  63. LegatusMax1mus
  64. 紫夜绝命
  65. mmatip
  66. Azhdaron
  67. Addom34
  68. MrMax71
  69. ZebRL
  70. HomemadeCorn789
  71. BeardyBog
  72. HempAmage
  73. necrosis678
  74. Roar
  75. Hennotje
  76. _SvYaT_
  77. 上弦式神
  78. dkni
  79. shinmiri2
  80. SkolzkiyKot
  81. MacLogan_GWENT
  82. nacl.34926
  83. Vicerv1
  84. Nimraphel
  85. konsiu95
  86. insangpha
  87. Lissandro11
  88. Boosz
  89. just_diggles
  90. Dragons_Den
  91. Bendtner92
  92. gebales
  93. House_of_cards
  94. ENC_Gwentar
  95. Chezzy93
  96. 鱼说山_龙宝2012
  97. Kaiduss
  98. hotcrossbun
  99. vonSchwarz
  100. Braenne
  101. K.Now
  102. Nocryingok
  103. SHADOWx217
  104. MoRosa
  105. 苦柴
  106. z3l3g
  107. bjthebrave
  108. Wtfparty
  109. 守护灵辰
  110. 兔小猛
  111. Qbk_
  112. Ameno12
  113. El0st
  114. 魔法之裤
  115. Doomhammar1988
  116. Mr_Tarn
  117. eleftheria
  118. STAR_OTEC
  119. mr_dr_pr_patrick
  120. Comrade_Farso
  121. Ti-Boune
  122. m1lan
  123. RippyY
  124. Alts-Gamer
  125. gRav3s
  126. Crash_overlord
  127. ReiGnOfGraVe
  128. bucash
  129. zeGoblin
  130. jamedi_
  131. Luche5i
  132. FikfikMTG
  133. NewBrine
  134. Santtu2x
  135. Omnik
  136. _DeadWing_
  137. Ridashi
  138. 时光愈伤
  139. Ambiral
  140. fufuliz
  141. W1SSEN
  142. looosemcgoose
  143. Fettfried
  144. fearsyndrome
  145. mikav4h
  146. Jazzo007
  147. earthappleman
  148. RandyofCintra
  149. ki-ki
  150. Acalajucha
  151. Foggy_NR
  152. sharp25lord
  153. Hellfinder
  154. Nocturnex
  155. Fateday
  156. 谢尔曼66
  157. bart933
  158. Martinland2
  159. fandac51
  160. eiSloth
  161. TakNado
  162. gregor__
  163. blackhawks149
  164. Electroluks
  165. rondlak
  166. pdgkonrad
  167. ddcheaser
  168. Lorenthiel
  169. Tin_K
  170. dTitan
  171. HightDetal
  172. Kikirik1
  173. iamsceptic
  174. Maksim_Romanov
  175. SamAkkai
  176. Kara_Lisa
  177. Tjockis220
  178. TalibanSan
  179. HungryHobbit2
  180. wangid1
  181. WlolkPL
  182. IECES
  183. Cresis
  184. Meereck
  185. meegrop
  186. jointime
  187. thxgg
  188. Back2Kill
  189. MaxSlim
  190. aris91
  191. varnas
  192. mingxi.21165
  193. dr.insanity
  194. Heltinhobr
  195. ImDeadIns1de
  196. Moskitoll
  197. galbarOfficial
  198. ViRTalik
  199. balint225
  200. LuciferKissMyAss



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